MY FORUM RULES # 1 - NO DUMB FUCK BRAIN DEAD USELESS TO SOCIETY GOOD FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING CLINTON NO STUPID CHILD LEFT BEHIND PARTICIPATION TROPHY ACHIEVEMENT EDUCATED CHILD MUTILATING PEDOPHILE LOVING EASILY MANIPULATED AND CONTROLLED GLITTER UNICORN RAINBOW PANZY ASS PUSSY LIBERAL TERRORIST LIFE FORM COMMIE MAGGOT HYPOCRITES ALLOWED ANYWHERE FUCKING NEAR ME FUCK OFF AND DIE SLOW YOU LOW LIFE MENTALLY DERANGED DEATH, VIOLENCE AND DESTRUCTION LOVING PERVERT AIR THIEF MAGGOTS YOU DISGUSTING PERVERTED LIBERAL TERRORIST LIFE FORM COMMIE MAGGOTS ARE THE MALIGNANT CANCER ON PLANET EARTH AND YOU WILL BE GOING EXTINCT SOON YOU LIBERAL TERRORIST LIFE FORM COMMIE MAGGOTS ARE COMPLETE FAILURES AND A WASTE OF A GENERATION ENJOY YOUR SOCIAL EXTINCTION I TRULY HOPE YOU SUFFER Until further notice this forum has changed to INVITE only by one of the already established members I have respect for I'm all about communication WITHOUT conversation I'm NOT religious at all because I believe in the SUN and only the SUN but I'm 100% on religious peoples side against you disgusting DUMB FUCK low life liberal terrorist life form death, violence and destruction loving child mutilating pedophile loving PERVERTS You child mutilating pedophile loving liberal terrorist life form commie maggot demonrat degenerates disgust me MORE than you disgust religious people I would prefer to be around religious people than you low life clinton NO stupid child left behind participation trophy achievement educated child predator liberal terrorist life form commie maggot demonrat degenerate pedophile TERRORISTS any second of any fucking day
Well I figured I wouldn't need as many rules as most forums Professor I simply eliminated those issues that strangely seem to cause ALL the trouble in most places I may just make this an invite only forum for now though I kind of like the fact that I'll NEVER have a troll infestation here in my world The people that I have respect for and enjoyed interacting with from the other place that I invited have joined so I really don't even need any new members just yet As we go forward I'll open the gates up a bit more but for now this forum is for my friends and I to enjoy troll and idiot free
I've noticed looky loons trying to contact staff Please don't try and contact me by the CONTACT STAFF option because it will be IGNORED and never get through to me since my sanctuary on The MATRIX is CLOSED to the general public when registration is locked up and is INVITE only If your butt hurts over my rules that would be WHAT your problem is Find a member I have respect for and see if they'll invite you otherwise you're shit out of luck at this point in time