Heart Attack Signs and Symptoms

Discussion in 'Thinking Outside The Mind' started by Professor, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Professor

    Professor Well-Known Member

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    Heart Attack Signs and Symptoms

    The descriptions of heart attacks in the popular media are deceptive: Chest pain is not the only sign of a heart attack. There are a wide variety of heart attack symptoms. Experiencing any of these discomforts might mean your heart and life may be in immediate danger:

    1 Upper abdominal pain or upper back pain, especially prevalent in women

    2 Shortness of breath

    3 Dizziness

    4 Left shoulder pain or numbness; an ache down the left arm or into the jaw

    5 Chest heaviness, tightness, squeezing, burning, pressure or discomfort

    6 Palpitations of the heart (beating fast or irregularly)

    7 Tight throat or a lump in the throat

    8 Cold sweat

    9 Nausea

    10 Sense of impending doom

    11 Weakness.

    Be especially wary if any of these discomforts begin in a subtle manner but intensify over several minutes. It is a bad sign if your pain or discomfort is NOT worsened by deep breaths, pressing on your chest or movement of the body area where the discomfort is taking place. In all of those cases, you should seek medical help immediately.
    duntpasstome and Wildman like this.
  2. Wildman

    Wildman Well-Known Member

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    When I had my last heart attack I went to the doctor, couldn't sign in, and got an ambulance ride to the hospital where I was in the ICU for a week.
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  3. Professor

    Professor Well-Known Member

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    I guess I haven’t been around much on this website or the other website. The past four months I’ve been in the hospital three times for tests and open-heart surgery. Mid-March of 2018 I had four bypasses on my heart. Heart surgery is not fun for those who have had it done they would probably agree with me. Recovery times are different for different people, about six weeks for recovery should you need to go back to work. 90 days is considered the healing time for the body after open-heart surgery. I was lucky I did not have a stroke or heart attack but if I had not had the bypass surgery on all four of my arteries I would’ve had a stroke or heart attack in a short time weeks or months. I’m doing very well now considering all things.

    Professor Opmmur
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  4. Wildman

    Wildman Well-Known Member

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    Good to have you back! Take it easy and 'try' not to work too hard.
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  5. Night Vision

    Night Vision Administrator

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    Glad you're feeling better Professor :)
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  6. Professor

    Professor Well-Known Member

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    After about eight weeks since my surgery I’m feeling much better and have gone back to work about a week ago part-time. I still have pain from time to time but it’s very manageable. The hospital that performed the surgery has put me into a rehab class for open heart surgery. The rehab has treadmills and other exercise machines this past Friday I was on the treadmill and I walked 1.5 miles, my vital signs was very good for the long walk.

    Professor Opmmur
    Einstein, Night Vision and Wildman like this.
  7. Night Vision

    Night Vision Administrator

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    Good to hear you're progressing so well Professor Happy-Dance.gif :)
    Professor likes this.

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