Changing Check In Tune Just continuing to rub the AMERICAN flag in dumb fuck liberal terrorist life forms faces who're offended by the AMERICAN flag permanently on the MATRIX Something soo valuable that will NEVER be canceled as a racist symbol FUCK OFF liberal terrorists life forms You people are useless to society I just love my FREEDOM of speech nobody can touch If you dumb fuck liberal terrorists life forms are soo offended by the AMERICAN flag then get your stupid violent asses out of our country Your abusive liberal terrorist life form nature is not welcome here People with a functioning brain find you liberal terrorists life forms repulsive The kind of repulsive that makes their skin crawl and gag reflexes kick into overdrive Since normally I pay no mind to politics most my life I had no clue your breed of stupid even existed before the political scam COOTIE 19 I'm extremely RACIST against violent STUPID people like you liberal terrorist life forms are of ALL colors and BOTH genders I think everyone who's not useless to society should be All you liberal terrorists life forms do is cause as much death, violence and destruction as you can on a daily basis then try and blame everyone else for your miserable selfish violent nature and actions Nobody forces you dumb fucks to burn down buildings and terrorize people That's a choice you liberal terrorists life forms make on your own You liberal terrorists life forms are just disgusting You horrible people use race as a weapon for everything when race is not even the issue until you stupid liberal terrorists life forms go out of your way to make it one making YOU the actual racist because you have no other ammo to justify your violent stupidity Your entire focus is on using the PAST to destroy the FUTURE for everybody with the PAST What the fuck is wrong with you people YOU liberal terrorists life forms are the problem and the malignant CANCER in this country period Get the fuck out of our country if you don't like it Go find a leper colony somewhere far far away where you dumb fuck socialist/communist liberal terrorist life form MAGGOTS will fit right in and feel more at home Even though I'm NOT religious I'm 100% on religious peoples side with this one
Changing Check In Tune I just posted this visual on the #FJB thread but with my VISUAL repetition OCD it has to go on this thread to because it fits the character and made me laugh
Changing Check In Tune Have to make this VISUAL stick Strange how commietube removed TYSON JAMES visual about low life liberal terrorist life form PEDOPHILES hiding behind transgender identity issues called PEDOPHILES for HATE speech Which is weird to me because all LGBTQ+XYZ pedophiles in BOTH genders deserve NOTHING but hate ALL pedophiles deserve to be slowly skinned then cremated ALIVE ALL of them That's OK though was able to get the TUNE from RUMBLE