BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix I just LOVE to break this FACT to you treasonous DUMB FUCK low life child predator commie maggot demonrat rino's The first REAL black American WOMAN President will NOT be Republican or Democrat The first REAL black American WOMAN President WILL be MAGA
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix TIME for a MASSIVE justified LEGAL American tax payer TAX REVOLT Like hell if these freeloading criminal ILLEGAL VERMIN biden/kameltoe harris border slave TERRORIST leeches are going to get more of the money I work my fucking ass off for Keep digging that TREASON hole deeper DUMB FUCK commie maggot career CRIMINAL demonrat rino degenerates The more you treasonous fucks do the more people HATE you As LEGAL tax paying Americans who're having their tax dollars STOLEN by these commie maggot demonrat rino politicians then freely giving our tax dollars to these freeloading criminal ILLEGAL VERMIN biden/kameltoe harris border slave TERRORIST leeches we have every right to REVOLT and put these low life treasonous degenerate commie maggot demonrat rino degenerate politicians back in their fucking place BENEATH We The Fucking People THEIR FUCKING EMPLOYERS The tax dollars these treasonous fucks STEAL from us never goes to WHERE it's supposed to go We need to go back in time to the Constitution days BEFORE the American people started getting ripped off and taxed by these career criminal commie maggot politicians who stuff our tax dollars back in their own pockets to fund their criminal activity We need to get back to before 1861
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix I really can't stand this treasonous IRRELEVANT evil as fuck NO stupid child left behind child predator wrinkled up nasty DUMB CUNT I hope this monster hangs after her Military Tribunal for TREASON
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix DO NOT COMPLY with this new 2024 election cheating PLANdemic These low life treasonous commie maggot demonrat rino fucks are LYING again and now spraying POISON to make people sick out of their EXTREME desperation to CHEAT 2024 election
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix Low life freeloading CRIMINAL ILLEGAL VERMIN degenerate foreign TERRORISTS all going to be deported or killed soon I would prefer the low life freeloading CRIMINAL ILLEGAL VERMIN degenerate foreign TERRORISTS be put in front of a flame throwing firing squad