GOOD RIDDANCE Fix That earned KARMA sure is a bitch Or maybe this treasonous drunken old HAG PIGlosi is faking it and preparing her escape alibi from the accountability and Military Tribunal coming her way for TREASON and crimes against humanity Not to mention all the LEGAL American tax payer money she's been stealing for decades to launder back in her own treasonous monster pockets
GOOD RIDDANCE Fix The nerve of these treasonous slimy greedy selfish war mongering career criminal degenerate demonrat rino politicians trying to STEAL more LEGAL American tax payer dollars then try and SNEAK an undeserved raise to their salary for a job their employers We The People pay them to do that they do NOT do unless it benefits their greedy selfish asses personally Good for Vivek and Elon for getting this wasteful monstrosity thrown out Slimy fuckers Sick and tired of these selfish greedy fucking degenerate politicians STEALING our LEGAL American tax payer dollars to shove back in their own pockets These degenerates were trying to HIDE what was in this spending bill from their employers We The Fucking People
GOOD RIDDANCE Fix I don't agree with Benny on this when he says he doesn't want anything bad to happen to these demonrat monsters like this treasonous evil drunken HAG piglosi is I want this treasonous greedy selfish child predator monster piglosi to SUFFER before IT drops dead I won't ever show an ounce of compassion or sympathy for these degenerate demonrat rino commie maggot monsters
GOOD RIDDANCE Fix Low life treasonous child predator commie maggot demonrat ZERO leadership degenerate politicians more concerned about race and gender than human life are to blame for everything horrible that happens in CA because of their DUMB FUCK greedy selfish unfit for society ignorant commie maggot communist delusional as fuck behavior CA has turned into nothing but a filthy dangerous commie maggot demonrat run trash heap and people in CA continue to vote for their own inevitable destruction
GOOD RIDDANCE Fix These fires did NOT start naturally The treasonous child predator commie maggot demonrat rino career criminal degenerate politicians in these demonrat run trash heap cities had their low life liberal terrorist life form commie maggot PEDOTQ+XYZ antifa PEDOPHILES, BLM terrorist organization and the criminal ILLEGAL vermin start these fires in several different places This was intentionally done by these treasonous demonrat rino monsters so they can STEAL more money from LEGAL American tax payers before 01/20/2025 These monsters need to create as many giant chaos filled destruction distractions to use as an excuse to STEAL more money to stuff back in their own pockets to fund their criminal activity More of this type of destruction across America will continue for the next 9 days These treasonous child predator commie maggot demonrat rino career criminal degenerate politicians also have something horrible planned for 01/20/2025 but it will FAIL and fail miserably They ALL need to be arrested and locked up for life or death penalty for treason and crimes against humanity on a global scale
GOOD RIDDANCE Fix This child predator degenerate commie maggot newscum, soros, blackrock and WEF are the monsters behind getting these fires started because these fucking selfish greedy LOSER commie maggot demonrats wanted the LAND for their DUMB FUCK delusional 15 minute cities they masturbate over That TRUTH is being exposed I don't think these idiots fully understand yet that THEY have lost the power of censorship and are the extreme minority who stands ZERO chance against the global majority People KNOW who is responsible for these fires that were intentionally started by low life freeloading CRIMINAL ILLEGAL VERMIN and the PEDOTQ+XYZ antifa PEDOPHILES who did as they were told by these treasonous commie maggot demonrat degenerate politicians They ALL need to be locked up for life
GOOD RIDDANCE Fix BYE BYE freeloading CRIMINAL ILLEGAL VERMIN degenerates Don't let the door hit you in your freeloading CRIMINAL ILLEGAL VERMIN asses on your way the fuck OUT
GOOD RIDDANCE Fix This is what these low life child predator commie maggot demonrat rino career criminal degenerate politicians have been stealing our money for to money launder back into their own fucking pockets ALL these fucking monsters need to be arrested Glad this criminal organization known as USAID was shut down I bet we get even more disgusting details on this later
GOOD RIDDANCE Fix LOW life child predator treasonous demonrat rino career criminal commie maggot communists will always LOSE These fucking criminals are butt hurt they can't put a stop to their decades long criminal activity being exposed and stopped These child predator demonrats are mad they can't get into these buildings to destroy evidence of their abusive criminal activity All these fucking monsters need to be arrested and thrown in fucking prison