Just a quick post to point something hysterical out from the Paradumbass Lands of Make Believe I'll leave the bla bla bla from the others out Paradumbass paulyoung2 ( Pending Image ) Paradumbass start at edge ( Pending Image ) Mayhem... Alright READ Respect other members and their beliefs, ideas, opinions at all times. We also expect members to be polite and courteous with one another. Aggression, disrespect, baiting, flaming, homophobia, racism, name calling (this includes calling people trolls or accusing them of trolling.), belittling, sarcasm, bullying, gossiping, are all unacceptable behavior and will result in Disciplinary Action. Simply because you do not agree with a thread's subject does not entitle you to attempt to end it with rude witticisms. Allow people to tell their stories at all times. Attempting on every occasion to point out something or someone is a hoax is rude and doesn't encourage discussion. Members who are not respectful of their fellow members or their ideas are going to be warned or banned by the forum staff and their disrespectful messages will be deleted. That's hilarious Mayhem considering the FACT that when I send one of my FB Jail Group Inmates over there to drop off harmless no word messages they get banned on the spot and they're NOT even me Yet you idiots allow the WEAK minded trouble makers who start all the shit remain to cause even more trouble with their big mouths and delusional fictional character BS My messengers drop off simple humorous clips without even typing a word and somehow that's bad behavior NONE of my messengers ever did a damn thing to deserve a ban The moderation over there is terrible It's like you people get off on watching people do nothing but fight over there That's all they do 99% of the time I thought YOU were supposed to clean that ancient mess up Mayhem Sure is a good thing I have plenty of messengers Sorry you people have no understanding of how communication without boring ass trouble making conversation works