Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 11/29/2024 Trump is not even in office yet and already keeping his promises Daddy's home
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/01/2024
Salty Cracker Fix This child is heading down a road with ZERO future because of WHITE liberal terrorist life form commie maggot degenerates encouraging this child to be violent and destructive without earned punishment My children knew how to behave in stores or everything that brings them joy at home like video games and other fun stuff would vanish for a week Even bedroom doors They learned real quick how to behave
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/04/2024
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/06/2024 ZERO sympathy when these DUMB FUCK clinton NO stupid child left behind participation trophy achievement indoctrination educated degenerates get shot DEAD for being soo fucking stupid They deserve it
Salty Cracker Fix I think the treasonous child predator demonrat rino career criminal politician degenerates are involved in this sticky situation in some way
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/11/2024 I can't believe these low life DUMB FUCK commie maggot degenerate career criminal demonrat snakes are making these threats with their bio weapons right out in the open for ALL to see the very day after Trump is sworn into office They should be more worried about the Military Tribunal and Nuremberg trials to begin for TREASON and GLOBAL crimes against humanity with the Cootie19 death jab bio weapon they intentionally created to murder multi millions of people globally
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/13/2024
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/15/2024
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/18/2024 NOTHING healthy about being an O~BEAST PIG with ZERO self control All obesity does is end your life faster If you're a DUMB FUCK child predator clinton NO stupid child left behind participation trophy achievement indoctrination educated scum bag lazy greedy selfish liberal terrorist life form commie maggot degenerate PLEASE go right ahead and continue to eat yourselves to death to speed up your inevitable EXTINCTION
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/20/2024
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/22/2024 Damn these liberal terrorist life form commie maggots are fucking stupid
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/27/2024 Looks like the degenerate career criminal politician global warming SCAM is being DEBUNKED All these global degenerate demonrat rino commie maggot politicians do is LIE then LIE some more but the daily "Cry Wolf" nonsense is now being laughed at and dismissed for the SCAM it truly is
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 12/29/2024 Look at these low life treasonous commie maggot demonrat rino career criminal politician degenerates desperate to poke everyone with another poisoned DEATH jab before President Trump takes full control Nobody with a functioning brain is going to fall for this LIE again DO NO COMPLY
Salty Cracker Fix Does this DUMB FUCK not know cars are full of GASOLINE Gas and fire don't seem to play well together
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/01/2025 There's going to be more of these types of terrorist attacks in the next few weeks on top of political agenda PLANdemics One after another and the treasonous commie maggot demonrat rino career criminal degenerate politicians who got their asses kicked by President Trump in 2024 election are behind it