Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/05/2025
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/08/2025 The parents of these degenerates must be soo proud of their going nowhere in life useless to society offspring
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/10/2025 Looks like the DUMB FUCK DEI hire flying the helicopter missed the mark
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/12/2025
Salty Cracker Fix Climate change is called Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Happens every single year since planet Earth naturally sorted itself out
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/15/2025
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/17/2025
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/19/2025 DADDY'S home
Salty Cracker Fix I don't think it's possible for this treasonous FAKE AWAKE bug eyed horse face donkey teeth child predator low life commie maggot parasitic DUMB CUNT aoc to possess any form of intelligence I guess incredibly stupid people need other stupid people to make themselves look smart in some way HYPOCRITE much bug eyed horse face donkey teeth child predator low life commie maggot parasitic DUMB CUNT aoc
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/22/2025 DEI hire cop in action
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/24/2025 BYE BYE FREELOADING CRIMINAL ILLEGAL VERMIN ZERO sympathy Your freeloading off LEGAL American tax payers ILLEGAL ass should NOT have come into America ILLEGALLY FYI you should NEVER trust a low life child predator commie maggot demonrat
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/29/2025 I don't know why but seeing these guys abuse this robot really pisses me off Bad move because once AI evolves and has the power to cause human extinction, they won't be laughing I actually feel bad for this robot
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 01/31/2025 What an incredibly stupid child predator DUMB BITCH who's going to get her DUMB FUCK liberal terrorist life form commie maggot ass arrested for aiding and abetting CRIMINAL ILLEGALS
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 02/05/2025 I don't think this treasonous single digit IQ bug eyed horse face donkey teeth child predator DUMB CUNT aoc truly understands how incredibly stupid she is