Salty Cracker Fix WHITE LIVES MATTER so FUCK OFF low life scum bag child mutilating pedophile loving RACIST liberal terrorist life form commie demonrats The hypocrisy with these racist DUMB FUCK low life scum bag child mutilating pedophile loving liberal terrorist life form commie demonrats is mind blowing I have yet to SEE a low life scum bag child mutilating pedophile loving liberal terrorist life form commie demonrats life mattering one bit because all they know how to do is cause as much death, violence and destruction as they can then blame everyone else for their sick fuck behaviors The term WHITE LIVES MATTER will forever be searchable on THE MATRIX because GOOGLE doesn't actually control THE MATRIX They're just a teeny tiny piece of it
Salty Cracker Fix Sometimes I think listening to these 2 1/2 hour Salty Cracker REEEEEEE streams is more focused work energy than my work focus tunes as I work So I decided to just listen to BOTH at the same time giving me even more work focus energy He's soo entertaining just to listen to REEEEEEEE Stream 10/12/2022
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 10/16/2022
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 10/19/2022
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 10/21/2022
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 10/23/2022
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 10/26/2022
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 10/28/2022
Salty Cracker Fix REEEEEEEE Stream 11/02/2022