BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix Damn these child predator commie maggot demonrat rino degenerate career criminal politicians are fucking stupid This idiot tried to bribe Kari Lake and ended up fucking himself Kari Lake can NOT be bribed or bought because Kari Lake is NOT a selfish greedy career criminal degenerate politician Kari Lake is on a mission that can't be stopped LOVE Kari Lake
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix NOBODY is intimidated The people in the audience IF that is a REAL audience were paid to show up and cheer for nothing because they were told to cheer in order to get paid for showing up
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix Drop DEAD you DEPLORABLE low life treasonous DUMB BITCH Get ready for your Military Tribunal you EVIL child predator DUMB CUNT I hope you get the ULTIMATE punishment This child predator NO stupid child left behind EVIL bitch is desperate because the bitch KNOWS they can't CHEAT 2024 and then their punishment for TREASON and crimes against humanity will move forward SUFFER bitch This monster deserves all the KARMA coming her monster way
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix I wonder WHAT deep dark secret that's about to be EXPOSED these low life child predator treasonous commie maggot demonrat rino career criminal degenerate politicians are trying to HIDE with their extreme desperation to STEAL more LEGAL American tax dollars to give to their money laundering scam in commie maggot trash heap ukraine instead of using American tax dollars for what our tax dollars are meant for I don't believe American tax dollars are supposed to be used to fund wars and commie maggot demonrat rino career criminal degenerate politician clear criminal activity Why the fuck do we even pay taxes if our tax dollars are being used for career criminal politician criminal activity instead of helping our country first Their desperation is exposing their clear corruption This SICK FUCK career criminal degenerate PEDOPHILE politician is threatening to murder LEGAL American citizens for NO reason if he doesn't get the money I hope this monster's punishment for TREASON and crimes against humanity is brutal I really wish they would bring back the Breaking Wheel death penalty for these types of crimes
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix Oh what a damn shame for these low life treasonous career criminal child predator commie maggot demonrat rino degenerate politicians They must be extremely butt hurt they cant STEAL more American tax dollars to fund their criminal activity
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix At this point all this war mongering commie maggot demonrat rino DUMB BITCH haley is doing is making a bigger fool of herself She has no chance against Trump Damn these demonrat commie maggot career criminal degenerate politicians are delusional
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix Commie maggot PEDOPHILE TUBE will at some point remove this interview but Rumble will keep it up
BYE BYE Soon Liberal Terrorist Life Form Fix The TRUTH about WHO was really behind 9/11/2001 is coming out Seems the same small group of treasonous career criminal child predator commie maggot demonrat rino American degenerate politicians trying to destroy this country were DEEPLY involved Which means our own government MURDERED all those innocent people who were FORCED to make a decision to jump or burn alive to cover up their political criminal activity at that point in TIME Those images of innocent people jumping to end it quicker will NEVER leave my mind I remember that day very well It has NEVER left my mind No wonder WHY they're going after Trump with such desperation EXPOSING themselves in the process Trump has the receipts about 09/11/2001 The END is getting closer for this small group of monstrous treasonous career criminal child predator commie maggot demonrat rino American degenerate politicians